A second baby rhino has been born at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary in a period of less than a month. The male calf named Jabali was born by mother Bella on the night of 18th August 2020. Bella, a six times mother was among the first four rhinos that were taken to the sanctuary by Rhino Fund Uganda. The latest addition brings the total number of rhinos at the sanctuary to 32.
In the 1980s, Uganda lost all her rhinos due to poaching. The last rhino in Uganda’s wild was seen in about 1983.
It has taken great effort and sacrifice to breed the rhinos. Many thanks to Rhino Fund Uganda. There is hope that one day rhinos will be reintroduced to Uganda’s national parks.
However, there is a need to raise awareness about the benefits of wildlife among all the people of Uganda. Help African Animals is committed to traveling from village to village educating the true keepers of wildlife, the rural people about the benefits of wildlife, the laws protecting wildlife, and penalties for violation of the laws. We are committed to empowering rural people to protect wildlife in their areas. We are driven by the belief that unless rural people are involved in conservation, all conservation efforts are in vain.
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