Two sentenced to 12 years for killing a bush buck

The Chief Magistrate at Kyenjojo Chief Magistrates Court in Uganda on June 30th, 2021 sentenced two men to 4 years imprisonment for illegal entry into a protected area and 12 years imprisonment for killing a protected specie. The two were on June 28th, 2021 arrested inside Katonga Wildlife Reserve. They were also found in possession of a dead bush buck, 2 pangas, 2 sharp spears and 8 wire snares.

The two men pleaded guilty and were each sentenced to a fine of 100 currency points (2,000,000/=) or an imprisonment term of 4 years for illegal entry into a protected area and 10,000 currency points (200,000,000/=) or to an imprisonment term of 12 years for killing a protected specie.

The Uganda Wildlife Act 2019, provides for a penalty of a fine not exceeding 10,000 currency points (200,000,000/=) or life imprisonment or to both the fine and life imprisonment for killing a protected specie like a bush buck. The sentence is an indication that courts have started appreciating the need to conserve wildlife which is a huge victory for wildlife.

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