A poster saves the lives of animals and humans. It sends out a message to a bigger population. It has no time limit. It draws the attention of many people. It is easy to put up in the public. It is cheaper to make but with an unmeasurable impact. Once put out in the public, a poster may educate very many people about wildlife crime and other crimes against animals.
To make a poster costs about $1. With $1, countless lives of animals may be saved. Help African Animals is making posters and distributing them to communities. Other posters are used in Community Wildlife Talks and Animal Law Workshops.
Use this opportunity to participate in raising awareness about animals, their welfare, wildlife crime and other crimes against animals, laws protecting wildlife and other animals, and the penalties for violation of the laws. Take this opportunity. Donate to the Poster Project.

Our First Project
The poster in our first project had beautiful photos of a Uganda antelope, one of the species of animals, the target community has hunted throughout generations. The poster warned the community members not to go to prison for killing wild animals. It was the first time that members of the community learned that killing an antelope is an offense attracting an imprisonment term of up to 10 years.
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