Uganda has over time enacted laws protecting animals. These include wildlife, fisheries, anticruelty and forestry laws. However, the laws are not known by the people including those responsible for their enforcement. The laws are not available to them. The general ignorance of the laws protecting animals has hindered the implementation of the laws and led to increased wildlife crime and other crimes against animals. Since it is generally hard for people to access the internet all the time from every part of the country, in order to enable the availability of the laws, print copies of the laws have to be made and availed to people.
Help African Animals has taken a deliberate action to make a compendium of wildlife laws in Uganda and is distributing them to the people. It is our intention to avail copies of the compendium to judges, magistrates, prosecutors, advocates, law enforcement officers, students, and the general public. Knowledge of the law can save wildlife and the people who would have to suffer for wildlife crime.