How can the law be used to protect animals?

Humans inflict so much suffering on animals. This is the case because animals are vulnerable and their interests are ignored in legal systems around the world. Humans forget that animals are sentient beings who like them, deserve protection against pain and suffering.

Whereas many countries have taken steps to enact laws protecting animals, many of the laws are not enforced. In many African countries some of the laws protecting animals are outdated. Many of the laws were enacted during the period of colonialism and as such remained in books after the departure of the colonialists. Animal related crimes are not a priority for prosecution. Priority is instead given to cases where humans are the complainants. Some of the reasons for this are that humans are able to express their feelings, speak for themselves and follow up on their own cases. On the other hand, animals do not speak. In addition, because of the legal status of animals – animal being property, humans believe that they can deal with them as they wish.

Animals need a world where they feel safe and loved. This can only be a world where animals are recognized as sentient beings and their interests respected in legal systems. In a world that is safe for animals, the laws enacted should reflect animal interests and be enforced to protect them accordingly.

Help African Animals advocates for enactment of stronger animal protection laws and their strict enforcement in Uganda. We believe that also in this way, we contribute to turning the world into a better place for animals.

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